About the Community Mikvah
The word Mikvah literally translates as a collection, referring to a collection of water. A kosher Mikvah is connected to a natural source of water. The Mikvah utilizes an intricate system to accumulate fresh rainwater which connects to our Mikvah pools.
Vicki Olesky

Vicki Olesky serves as the Mikvah Manager since the inception of the Mikvahs in 2008. Her primary focus is customer service and the quality of operations for all the Mikvahs.
(303) 981-1410

Vicki Olesky
Vicki Olesky serves as the Mikvah Manager since the inception of the Mikvahs in 2008. Her primary focus is customer service and the quality of operations for all the Mikvahs.
(303) 981-1410
The Mizel Community Mikvah for Women</span
For appointments please call: (303) 476-6818
Hours of Operation:
Open nightly, by appointment only (48-hours advance notice encouraged)
We have dedicated, sensitive and respectful volunteer Mikvah attendants who wish to help every woman have a meaningful experience. Our facility offers a warm and welcoming lobby with a women’s lending library, three beautiful, spotless prep rooms with every amenity imaginable. The Mikvah waters is crystal clear water and maintained at 100 degrees. Our Mikvah service is geared to all backgrounds and levels of Jewish knowledge.
Suggested Donation:
- Immersion $25
- P.R.I.M.P. Package $54
- Kallah (Bride) $72
- Spiritual Immersion $65
- Conversion $180
Additional Charges:
- After normal hours $40
- Extended stay $40
- Late charge for every 10 minutes late $10
Harris Family Community Mikvah for Men
No appointment necessary.
For code, please call (303) 220-7200.
Hours of Operation:
Sun-Thu: Sunrise to Noon
Fri & Erev Yom Tov: Sunrise to 50 minutes before sunset
Sat & Yom Tov: Sunrise to 8:00 am.
Mikvah for the Immersion of Vessels (Keilim Mikvah)
No appointment necessary. For code, please call (303) 220-7200 or call Vicki (303) 981-1410.
Just as the food we eat is kosher; the table upon which we eat represents the holy alter, so too the vessels and utensils we use for food preparation are given special attention. Dishes and utensils previously owned by a non-jew are immersed in a Mikvah before their initial use.
Hours of Operation:
Sunday through Friday – Sunrise to 50 minutes before sunset
More About The Mikvah
A modern-day Mikvah looks like a miniature swimming pool. They contain waters of a Divine source, and as tradition teaches, the power to purify.
- Adam sat in the river that flowed from the Garden of Eden (a Mikvah) as part of his Teshuvah (repentance) process.
- The famed “Well of Miriam” served as a Mikvah for Aaron and his sons’ induction into the priesthood.
- Before the revelation at Sinai, all Jews were commanded to immerse themselves in the Mikvah in preparation for coming face to face with G-d.
- On Yom Kippur, the holiest of all days, the High Priest was allowed entrance in the Holy of Holies, into which no other mortal could enter. It was preceded by going to the Mikvah.
The primary uses of Mikvah today are delineated in Jewish law and date back to the dawn of Jewish history. They cover many elements of Jewish life.
- A conversion-the final process of
- KEILIM-for immersion of pots, dishes, and utensils used by a Jewish person in the preparation of Kosher food
- NIDDAH-Laws of Family Purity (Taharas Hamishpacha) These laws are of Divine ordinance. Judaism calls for the consecration of human sexuality. Mikvah is an important way of asking for Hashem’s blessing of health, good fortune, and children every month.
- The Mikvah concept is also the focal point of the TAHARAH, the purification rite of a Jewish person before they are laid to rest and the soul ascends on high. The manual pouring of water in a highly specific manner over the entire body of the deceased serves this purpose. (Taharahs are not performed at the local Mikvahs rather are done in another location).
Immersion in the Mikvah is described not only in terms of purification, revitalization, and rejuvenation but also, primarily as rebirth. This concept is rooted in the spiritual. It signals a change in status-more correctly, an elevation in status. The spiritual water has the ability to transform.
- Healing: We welcome survivors of trauma in a comforting and supportive environment – from miscarriage, chemotherapy, divorce, rape, abuse, bereavement, and for mental health.
- Fertility: Mizel Community Mikvah is just a few short minutes away from a world renown fertility clinic. Many women come here before starting treatment.
- Renewal: The Bride and Groom learn to treasure each other, “So that she will be as beloved as on the day of her marriage.”