Ignite for Bar/Bat Mitzvah

About Ignite

Ignite is an innovative approach to preparing Jewish boys and girls, not just for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony, but for life. The program consists of 8 learning-filled field trips (7 Sunday trips and 1 overnight trip to Los Angeles, CA), 4 Shabbat experiences, and 5 individual sessions with each of the Bnei Mitzvah enrolled. The Ignite experience lasts 10 months per group, and includes experiential learning, thought provoking questions, homework, friendships, and growth in many areas. It is a fun way for Bar/Bat Mitzvah students to prepare for this milestone in their lives and prepare them for a lifetime of Judaism.

Download the Ignite Brochure

The Ignite Team

Rabbi Yisrael Kellner

Director of Ignite

Shoshana Ort

Founder of Ignite & Youth Educator

Shifra Jacobs

Ignite Mentor & Trip Liaison

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