Chanukah 2020

Inspirational Videos


December 17, 2020
Fight for Today! (1) / Parshas Mikeitz & King Solomon’s Wise Case & The Secret of the Last Day of Chanukah (Zos Chanukah) Torah Reading (2)


Rabbi Ezra Balsam (1) / Reb Zvi Gelt (2)
December 13, 2020
Tefilla: Al Hanisim & Chanukah


Rabbi Menachem & Nechama Siderson
December 10, 2020
(1) Deep-fried Demystified: Exploring the deeper significance of latkes and doughnuts and why the Rabbis weren’t concerned about our calorie intake / (2) Parshas Vayeishev & Shabbos Chanukah


(1) Rabbi Ezra Balsam / (2) Reb Zvi Gelt
December 7, 2020
Chanukah Made Simple: The Halachos of Chanukah


Rabbi Menachem & Nechama Siderson
December 6, 2020
Tefilla: Modeh Ani & A Focus on Chanukah (starts at 38 min)


Rabbi Menachem & Nechama Siderson

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