2020 High Holidays Registration
Thank you for visiting the 2020 High Holiday Registration Page for Aish of the Rockies. This is an especially challenging year due to the Pandemic. Still, our leadership and staff successfully developed a meaningful and relevant plan for virtual, in-person and remote experiences for everyone.
Please read these points before registering:
- Rosh Hashana this year begins on Friday, Sept 18 and concludes on Sunday night, Sept 20. Shofar is blown on Sunday, Second Day of Rosh Hashana, not on Shabbos.
- Erev Yom Kippur is on Sunday, Sept 27 and Yom Kippur begins Sunday evening, concluding on Monday night, Sept 28.
- Registration is open to all. However, due to some limits, we will prioritize Members of The Shul before others. As of five business days from this Open Registration, everyone will be on equal footing.
- Babysitting and childcare are NOT provided this year.
- All In-Person options are designed for social distancing and our guidelines and protocols must be observed, including wearing masks and regularly using provided hand sanitizer. There is not loitering in the halls. We plan on having Services and/or Session in The Shul building as well as outdoors in tents.
- Prayer books will be provided for Services and Sessions. These will be wiped down before and after Services. We do encourage you to bring your own. For your reference, we use ArtScroll Ashkenaz – (https://www.artscroll.com/Books/9780899066813.html)
- We offer three in-person selections:
- Traditional High Holiday Prayer Services (morning and evening)
- Class & Inspirational Session (90 minutes afternoons only, incl. Shofar on Sun, Sept 20)
- Family Rosh Hashana Experience (Sun, Sept 20, 4:00 pm)
- This year we also offer a Family Activity Package for Rosh Hashana called the High Holiday Adventure. One suffices per household and is intended to help your family experience Rosh Hashana together whether or not your participate in person.
- When you register, please note that you are committing to attending those Services and Sessions. It is quite possible that your selection – especially for Morning Services and Sessions – will limit someone else from attending as there is a capacity limit.
- Seating is assigned for your Household. Only one form needed per Household. Please be patient as we attempt to accommodate and may randomize your seating to be fair to everyone.
- If you are unable to attend In-Person Services but wish to host your own group at another location, please visit PopUpShul.com to register for instruction and support.
- Shofar Blowing Services will be available on Sunday, Sept 20, Second Day of Rosh Hashana in several locations. More information to follow later.
Thanks for your patience. We welcome your feedback and questions. We hope our efforts result in a meaningful experience for everyone. May our community grow stronger. May Hashem inscribe us all for a year of good health, prosperity, and peace.
In-Person Davening / Traditional High Holiday Services
First Night, Rosh Hashana
Friday, Sept 18 (estimated 6:30 pm)
First Day, Rosh Hashana
Shabbos Sept 19 (7:00 am)
First Day, Rosh Hashana
Shabbos Sept 19 (8:30 am)
Second Night, Rosh Hashana
Saturday, Sept 19 (estimated 6:30 pm)
Second Day, Rosh Hashana
Sunday Sept 20 (7:00 am)
Second Day Rosh Hashana
Sunday Sept 20 (8:30 am)
Erev Yom Kippur, Kol Nidre
Followed by Maariv
Sept 27 (estimated 6:00 pm)
Yom Kippur Day
Sept 28 (8:00 am)
Yom Kippur Day, Mincha
Sept 28 (estimated at 4:45 pm)
Yom Kippur, End of Day, Neila
Sept 28 (estimated at 5:30 pm)
There is a limit of 50 persons per session. We will add more concurrent sessions if the demand requires.
First Day, Rosh Hashana
Sept 19 at 2:00 pm
Rabbi Menachem Lehrfield
First Day, Rosh Hashana
Sept 19 at 4:00 pm
An outstanding Aish of the Rockies Educator TBD
Second Day, Rosh Hashana
Sept 20 at 2:00 pm
Includes Shofar
An outstanding Aish of the Rockies Educator TBD
Second Day, Rosh Hashana
Sept 20 at 4:00 pm
Includes Shofar
An outstanding Aish of the Rockies Educator TBD
In-Person Family Rosh Hashana Experience
The Family Rosh Hashana Experience is a 30-60 minute Session designed for those who wish to experience the fun and education of the holiday as a family.
This session includes a family togetherness component and then splits up into a teen and adult class concurrent with a supervised children’s activity.
Sunday, Sept 20, 4:00pm
High Holidays Adventure – Delivered to you Doorstep

Family Activity Package for Rosh Hashana
Complete with activities, swag, prize opportunities, games, discussions, fun facts and more, this High Holiday Adventure Program will be delivered to your home to ensure you and your family enjoy a meaningful, enriching, and engaging Rosh Hashana from the comfort of your home.
One package per family. Let us know how many children aged 5-17 are in your home and we will add materials to match your selection.