Community Shabbos Dinner
Friday, May 14, 2021
A Special Pre-Shavuos Event Catered by Rymone Caterers with Kashruth Supervision by Scroll K
- Socially distanced tables
- Capped at 100 attendees indoors
- Limited outdoor seating upon request and weather permitting
- Please note: masks are not required in the dining room during the meal

Program Schedule
6:20 pm Mincha
6:37 pm Candle Lighting Available in Social Hall
7:30 pm Community Shabbos Dinner (RSVP Required)
9:00 pm Keynote Address: Rabbi Menachem Lehrfield “I Saw the Sounds of Sinai”
9:00 pm Concurrent Youth Oneg Shabbos with Rabbi Yonatan Nuszen
Dessert Buffet to Follow
$125 / Family
$30 / Adult
$25 / Child (12 and Under)
Please call the office with any questions: (303) 220-7200