Charitable Gift Annuity
Boost your income and support your favorite cause, while unlocking greater returns over a CD or Money Market account!
Donate cash or appreciated assets (stock, real estate) to support Jewish community and outreach work at Aish of the Rockies. In return, we make fixed, mostly tax-free payments back to you for the rest of your life.
- Fund up to $50,000 from your IRA
- Guaranteed fixed payments to you and/or a loved one for life
- A tax deduction upfront
- Capital gains tax savings
- Guaranteed fixed payments to you and/or a loved one for life
- Helping us bring meaningful Jewish experiences to the Rocky Mountain region.
- Eliminate market volatility
- No fees
This program is only available to Aish of the Rockies current supporters, aged 75 and over.
To receive information and learn more about a life income gift, contact Aish Executive Director, Zev Jacobs: 303-220-2200 x 6211 or