Charitable Gift Annuity

Charitable Gift Annuity

Boost your income and support your favorite cause, while unlocking greater returns over a CD or Money Market account!

Donate cash or appreciated assets (stock, real estate) to support Jewish community and outreach work at Aish of the Rockies. In return, we make fixed, mostly tax-free payments back to you for the rest of your life.


This program is only available to Aish of the Rockies current supporters, aged 75 and over.


To receive information and learn more about a life income gift, contact Aish Executive Director, Zev Jacobs: 303-220-2200 x 6211 or


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Join our community of supporters today! Be a part of the growth and inspiration experienced by our Aish Family in this coming year. As a member of The Shul, you will support our vital community and outreach efforts.

For assistance, contact us at (303) 220-7200 or

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