Leadership & Staff

Our Founders

Rabbi Yaakov Meyer

Senior Rabbi, Founder & CEO
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Chaya Meyer

Founder & Events Coordinator
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Aish of the Rockies Board of Directors

Darren Finke

Board of Directors Chair Person

Dan Askenazi

Board of Directors Treasurer and Head of the Finance Committee

Dr. Shari Fox

Member of the Board of Directors

Wendy Greenwald

Member of the Board of Directors

Kevin Jinkerson

Member of the Board of Directors and Finance Committee Member

Marissa Finch

Member of the Board of Directors

Jonathan Maram

Board of Directors Secretary

Ethan Rojhani

Member of the Board of Directors

Dan Kopelman

Member of the Board of Directors

Gerardo Topelson

Member of the Board of Directors and Finance Committee Member

Reb Zvi Gelt

Member of the Finance Committee

Neil Olesky

Member of the Finance Committee & Building Management Chair

“I’m proud to be part of Aish of the Rockies’ efforts to promote Jewish values and perspectives.”

– Brett Perry, Member of Board of Directors  (2018-2020)

Leadership Team

Rabbi Yaakov Meyer

Rabbi, Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Zev Jacobs, M.Ed.

Executive Director 

Rabbi Menachem Siderson

Rabbi of The Shul

Rabbi Menachem Lehrfield, M.Ed.

Director of Jewish Outreach Initiative – JOI & Director of The Site

Rabbi Yechiel Erlanger

Director of Community Relations & Development


Nechama Siderson

Rebbetzin of The Shul and Women’s Educator

Sarah Lehrfield

Director of Women’s Outreach – JOI & Director of The Site

Rabbi Yonatan Nuszen

Youth Rabbi & NCSY Partnership Liaison and Empower Program Director

Rabbi Yisrael Kellner

Director of Ignite

Shoshana Ort

Founder of Ignite & Youth Educator

Adjunct Educators

Rabbi Shachne Sommers

Rosh Kollel / Dean of the Denver Community Kollel, Adjunct Educator

Mrs. Rochel Goldbaum

Adjunct Educator

Rabbi Yehoshua Greenspan

Kashrus Administrator for Scroll K

Administrative Staff

Sara Michaels

Operations Manager
Portrait of Grant Adams

Grant Adams

Office Administrator

To inquire about or schedule events, please contact Sara Michaels. To speak to our bookkeeping service about making a pledge or payment, please call the Aish Office 303-220-7200 or email bookkeeping@aishrockies.org.

“I serve as a way to build and support a vibrant Jewish community.”

– Dr. Tom Ashar, Former Board Secretary

Be a part of something you love.

Join our community of supporters today! Be a part of the growth and inspiration experienced by our Aish Family in this coming year. As a member of The Shul, you will support our vital community and outreach efforts.

For assistance, contact us at (303) 220-7200 or office@aishrockies.org.

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